//Celem Power Capacitors|Condensatori coassiali|Condensatori per alta frequenza (50-1000 kHz)|Condensatori per media frequenza (3-50 kHz)|Condensatori raffreddati ad acqua
//Celem Power Capacitors|Condensatori coassiali|Condensatori per alta frequenza (50-1000 kHz)|Condensatori per media frequenza (3-50 kHz)|Condensatori raffreddati ad acqua
The new Celem C-CAP 04 capacitors offer multiple benefits to the user:
- Thanks to the new patented internal structure they offer a doubled power density compared to the previous generation of capacitors
- Mounting is simpler, as it can be done from one single side
- The capacity of the bank can be easily and quickly adjusted, simply tightening or loosening the bolt. The tapping process can be easily be automatized.
- There are no hot-spots in the capacitor
- The peculiar mounting style simplifies the bus bars, allowing to reduce the overall cost of the tank circuit. The C-CAP 04 has an integrated cooling circuit.
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